Now this is how you Keep Up With The Clancy's!!
What a beautiful year it has been! I enjoyed looking back and creating this recap post because I am reminded of how blessed we are.
Here is our year in one post.
We started 2014 off with a small party with our favorite neighbors. We are so grateful for Angela and Steve. They are so generous and loving. We are also thankful for Bryan and Cass and their two boys.
My sisters and their husbands flew in town for Uncle Greg's funeral, so we were able to spend time together as a family. It was bittersweet without Uncle Greg, but "it is what it is" as he would say.
We went on a weekend trip to the cabin with our neighbors.
We got snowed in twice! ATL pretty much shut down. It was nice to have some unexpected time off of work. Speaking of work, Shane is still working at Invesco, and I started a new job managing all marketing efforts in the southeast for a large firm in Buckhead which I love. There is a lot of opportunity for growth, and I really like the people I work with and what I do :)
We celebrated Shane's 27th birthday by having a Stock The Bar whiskey party for him at the house.
I had A LOT of girlfriend time... as it should be :)
This night was one of my favorites, and we even found a surprise recording the next day recapping the ride home from a local bar. It is hilarious!
We went to a lot of Sam Hunt concerts.
We went to the zoo with Shane's family.
Shane continued to do a lot of work in the yard.
Our sweet Uncle Mike joined Mr. Pat in Heaven.

I taught Rowan how to do a kissy face. She spent the night at our house two or three times, and it was a lot of fun spoiling her.
We went to Easter service with Munca.
Makenzie turned ONE!!!!
We hosted a pretty epic surprise 60th birthday party for my Daddy which is one of my favorite memories of all time!
We went to A LOT of weddings.
Nicole and Justin got married.
I had more girl time with my favorites!
Rowan had her first, and probably last, dance recital.
Paul and Ashley got married and moved to Portland.
We picked roadside flowers... just because!
I met Candace and realized why everyone loves her so :)

We celebrated baby Claire.
Shane added a lot of whiskey to his growing collection.
We met Sadie and spent time with the Boyd family.
Becca and Tommy got married.
Makenzie went to the beach for the first time.
We enjoyed our trip to Florida with family.
We had a lot of Georgia football parties at the house with our college friends and neighbors.
Kayla and Andy got married.
I traveled a lot for work, and Shane and I took a few trips as well. I think I went to about 20 states this year!
My parents introduced us to a beautiful winery.
Christina and Brooks got married.
We played with our sweet neighbors, Jackson and Bryson.
We surprised Ashley with a dinner to celebrate earning her Masters, and she surprised us with Seth who we fell in love with (and she did, too!!)
We actually paid to get into the Electric Cowboy after a night of bowling.
This hunk of burning love became a CPA!
We visited Grandma Clancy and Peggy and went to the Pig Roast for the first time together.

Shane took me to visit his Daddy which was incredibly special.

We celebrated two years of marriage in a cotton field.

We took Rowan and Isaiah to a festival for Halloween!

We celebrated my 26th birthday.

We went to Kansas for Thanksgiving.

We played with Makenzie.

I got some much needed time with my sisters.

I had more girlfriend time.

My Ro-Butt turned FIVE!!!!

We hosted more fun parties with our friends.

Shane perfected the selfie.

And we sent our loved ones this Christmas card.
Tonight we plan to eat dinner with our neighbors and have a few celebratory drinks with our friends. Tomorrow we will enjoy the day off and go to a football party at a neighbor's house. I would also like to clean the house and put away the Christmas decorations, but we will see.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Year filled with many blessings.
May the best of 2014 be the worst of 2015.