Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Grow Gavin, Grow!

We are 34 weeks pregnant today, and I. AM. SO. GRATEFUL! The doctor told me there must be a lot of people praying for us, and he is right! I have been on bed rest for over 12 weeks now, and we have surpassed all expectations thus far! We had a tiny hiccup last week with some abnormal blood flow to Gavin's brain,
so Dr. Nathan prescribed an outpatient steroid injection on Thursday (8/8), and then scheduled to meet with us Friday (8/9) before a second injection and being admitted to the hospital for close monitoring. Shane and I were both anxious to be at the point where we would be taking steroids and admitted, but GOD. IS. SO. GOOD, and as it turned out I washed my hair and packed my bags for nothing! After checking all the dopplers on Friday, Dr. Nathan said the baby was stable and we could leave the hospital after the second injection and rest at home for another weekend! It was such a blessing because Aunt Tina was in town for the weekend, so we got to visit with her much more than we would have if we were cooped up at the hospital!

Looking back, it was kinda nice to have that little scare because no one (and I mean no one) procrastinates quite like my sweet, adorable husband! Thursday night he crossed off all my to-do list items, and even though none of them had any correlation with delivering baby Gavin, I just had to have that picture hung. (Nesting is for real, y'all!) I have already started another list... bless his heart!

Today I sit in awe of my growing body and take a sigh of relief knowing that we have made it to the 34 week milestone - it's a big one when it comes to brain development, so I really am so very grateful!

Our next growth check is this Thursday (8/15) and I am shoveling protein in my mouth and taking lots of naps from now until then! I have been very mindful of my headspace throughout this process - I allowed myself one good long cry in the very beginning, but since then I have been determined to stay positive and optimistic knowing that all that I am has a direct impact on our little man! I feel more brave and resilient than ever, and I am so blessed to still be pregnant with Gavin!

Steroids # 1 

I had to keep my hand on the heart monitor for the 20 minutes 
since he is so tiny and my placenta is in the front! 

Steroids #2

Backyard Bed Rest 

Favorite Aunt TT 

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