Thursday, August 15, 2019

Baby Gavin - 34 Weeks 2 Days

I'm killing time before the much anticipated growth check today, so I decided to post a quick update while I have the chance. I just dropped Canaan off at preschool this morning, and can't help but think it could be the last time I see him before he is a big brother. It sounds dramatic (especially since I am only 34 w 2 d), but it is very possible... a little too possible for my comfort level.
This pregnancy with Gavin has been rather unpredictable, and after the steroid injections last week and the fact that we have made it 6 weeks past what the doctor originally predicted, I know it will be baby time sooner rather than later. Wait... did I just say BABY?

Over 12 weeks of bed rest and 2 to 3 trips to the doctor every week, it feels more like I have a medical condition than a BABY on the way. We have been setting our minds on staying pregnant for so long, that it just now is sinking in that there is going to be a baby at the end of this!

Canaan was born at 38.5 weeks, and I gained nearly 70 lbs in that pregnancy. Here I sit at 34 weeks and officially weigh as much as I did when I delivered Canaan! Wowzers -- it is incredible what the female body can do! Even postpartum with Canaan, when everything was saggy and squishy and dare I say deflated - I remember still feeling so empowered! I embrace pregnancy and all its glory because I am too impressed with the transformation and being capable of creating human life to worry about the weight gain and the cellulite. My face is so full these days that when I laugh or smile it feels like I have been to the dentist - my cheeks are certainly plump but nothing compared to my belly that hangs out of my maternity shirts! I have the pregnancy strut better known as a waddle, and trying to get out of bed or up off the floor is rather comical - but I am going to miss this. I know I will miss feeling a baby kick inside me and Shane resting his hand on my growing belly. I'll miss the aching back and the sore shoulders and the unwanted stretch marks and the dozens of trips to the bathroom just to need to get back up and go again. Even the aversion to smells and the crazy skin outbreaks ... it's all too amazing to think I could possibly never want this again.

The power of prayer has never amazed me more than during my pregnancies, and we are so thankful for every positive vibe and shout out to the Lord along this journey! Fingers crossed that Gavin has had a big growth spurt and we can stay pregnant a little longer!

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