Three years -- I can't believe it!! What a ride it has been! Above all, I have learned that I am so incredibly blessed to have such a loving and supportive husband!
I love the idea of taking pictures of our hands every anniversary so we can compare how our hands change throughout the years. No significant changes yet except for the fact that I need a manicure :)
^^ One Year

^^ Two Years
^^ Three Years
Leather is the traditional wedding anniversary gift for year three, and I was determined to find something for Shane. He is in desperate need of new flip flops, so I thought leather sandals would be a great gift since we are going to Jamaica soon!
Call me crazy, but I have wanted a canvas tee pee for a while now so that is what I asked for. I found one on Etsy that I loved! We recently went on a mini-vaca to Blue Ridge and we found this incredible sign at Mercier's Orchards, and I couldn't leave the store with out it.
I told him the tee pee could wait, so he gave me this sign that gives me chills when I read it.
// I believe in the sun even when it is not shining.
I believe in love even when I cannot feel it.
I believe in God even when He is silent.\\
| Written on cellar wall during Holocaust |
Our anniversary fell on a rainy Tuesday this year, so we skipped our weekly Monday night date and went to the Marietta Fish Market on Tuesday. It was so delicious!
The atmosphere is very casual, and the food is so yummy (and very reasonably priced)

Shane came home from work a little early so he could finish the fire pit. Then we shared a drink before reading our cards and heading to dinner.
I couldn't find a card that said everything I wanted him to know, so I wrote him a love note and folded it inside.

He is always so thoughtful to get me flowers!

He had mentioned he wanted this bourbon, and luckily I was able to find it!

^^ Sweet mirror notes!

Cheers to a lifetime of happiness with this hunky husband of mine! I can't wait to see what the future holds!
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