I can't keep up with the blog because I can barely keep up with life! It has been crazy busy lately, and any spare moment I get is designated for quality time with loved ones or sleep (normally sleep wins!)
Here are some pictures to get you up to speed!

Well this picture of Roco is just too cute not to share :)
My sweet friend Ashley got engaged, and we are so excited for Seth and Ashley as they start their happily ever after! I am looking forward to all of the festivities involved, and I am already planning my work travel accordingly!
I was honored to be in on the surprise, and I am so glad that Ashley loves her gorgeous ring!
I travel a lot for work (more now than ever), and I seem to go to Texas pretty frequently! The last time I went to Houston, I decided to take a walk around the city. It was gorgeous weather, and I am going to try and venture out into the cities I travel to more often. I normally work 15-18 hour days when I am on the road, and combined with the time difference it is hard to find a free minute to explore. I normally end up working in my lonely hotel room and ordering room service for the sake of convenience.

Valentine's Day was one for the books! I surprised Shane with a trip to the mountains. We had a technology free weekend, and it was just what we needed! No social media, no TV, no work!
I gave him a bottle of whiskey for his growing collection, and he gave me a 90 minute massage (which is one of my favorite gifts)
We slept late, enjoyed time with the dogs, went shopping in downtown Elijay and enjoyed spending quality time!
I am not much of a rule follower, but these I can handle!
It snowed recently which equated to working from home and a
snowball fight with the boys next door!
My girls and I got together for 50 Shades of Mays to celebrate Ashley's birthday!
It was so much fun!
We went to see 50 Shades of Grey, exchanged gifts and went out to a nice dinner!
Shane's birthday fell on a Tuesday, so I told him to meet me after work so I could surprise him. I took him to Local Three for a bourbon tasting and fancy meal, and he seemed to really like it.
I wanted to bring him lunch to work that day, but I was stuck in meetings and couldn't get away. To improvise, I ordered lunch and had it delivered to him instead. Not nearly as sweet, but at least it was thoughtful!
I am so in love with his precious grin!
Of course we had to take a birthday selfie :) I can't believe he is 28!
Rocky always lays on top of Polly, and she normally doesn't seem to mind.
Sometimes, I let him lay on top of me and he will take a nap. It lasts until he gets too heavy or his snoring gets too loud.
We finally got our fence painted. I haven't snapped a finished picture, but this is half way finished! We hired out this project (which is always my preference even though Shane is so handy) and it turned out really great!
This is a huge transformation from when we had an ugly deck. and the yard was not level.
Shane does a great job with all of the landscaping, and he seems to really like doing it!
We also redid the office recently, but I don't have a finished picture of that either. We rearranged the furniture, bought a new computer with dual monitors and decorated with lamps and a nice upholstered chair.
I still want to frame all 3 of our diplomas, but Shane could care less about that! Ha... one day!
Shane recently earned a promotion at work and will need to work from home a bit more which prompted the decision to work on the office. I hope to decorate our master bedroom next!
Shane works so incredibly hard, and he is ridiculously smart! His company is lucky to have him, and I am so proud of his new promotion! :)
This past week, we celebrated the March birthdays at my parent's house. Rowan couldn't be there because she had the flu (poor baby!) but we had a great time laughing and sharing memories around the kitchen table!

Tina recently emailed me this picture of Mak, and I can't believe how grown up she looks!
I am very excited to see them both in April!
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