Friday, May 16, 2014

Rowan's Ballet Recital

Yesterday after work I headed to Grayson to watch Rowan in her ballet recital. She was so excited when she heard Aunt C was coming to see her. When I arrived at her daycare, she was super happy to see her huge Dora balloon and flowers. I helped her pin her hair, and of course she wanted some lip gloss! She showed me some of her dance moves, and I met some of her little friends. She seemed so excited about her big performance.

But then... the music started and all eyes were on her. Bless her heart, she was miserable up there. She turned her back to the audience and just stared at the wall. We cheered for her and called her name, and she just shook her head.

At one point, David even went in the corner behind the dance teacher and started doing the dance moves in hopes of Rowan copying his moves, but she was not going to change her mind.

In honor of Throwback Thursday, I found these baby pictures of Ro. ^^^

Rowan and Sabrina

Flowers and balloons :)

Showing off her lip gloss

I did manage to get one little smirk out of her. 

During one of the songs, she came up to me and asked for a hug, and said she needed more lip gloss. I told her if she did her dance moves then she could have more lip gloss, but that didn't work either. Haha! 

When we were saying goodbye, she said she wanted to see Polly. She LOVES our dog! Haha :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Update Through Pictures

Here are some pictures to keep you updated on what has happen in the past few weeks. 

Munca gave Shane and I this beautiful pie safe (above) and the vanity (below). I used to sit on the small stool and play makeup and dress up at the vanity when I was a little girl. I always told her growing up that I wanted to have it one day, and she gave it to us as a wedding gift. We finally picked it up last weekend, and she also let us pick out another piece of her gorgeous "early attic" furniture. Every piece has a story, and we are so thankful to display these gorgeous family pieces in our home. 

After a long stressful day at work, I love sitting on the back porch with the dogs. 

My girls and I went to the Brave's game on Friday night. Despite the rain, we had a wonderful time!

I love my sweet Kayla!

Haha... typical. 

Group shot. 

Being silly. 

^^^ This picture was too sweet not to share. 

My friend got married in Covington this past weekend, so Shane and I drove by our first house on the way to the wedding. 

^^^ My hot date!!

We wish Nicole and Justin all the best in their beautiful life together! They are an incredible couple, and he wedding was fabulous! 

Shane and I dropped by Munca's on Mother's day to see everyone and drop off this desk that Shane refinished.  Then we headed to Brooks to spend the day with The Clancy side :)

This is the barn that I blogged about recently. 

Kelly and I had a blast decorating this cake! 

Shane and I took Monday off to spend some time together. We have been unbelievably busy lately, and it was nice to have some quality time and relaxation. He gave the doggies a bath... they look miserable in these pictures. Haha!

My friend Beth is changing jobs... I will miss her so much!

Sorry for the random updates... I will try not to wait so long between posts next time!! 

SURPRISE PARTY - Happy 60th, Daddy!!

Better late than never… it has been 3 ½ weeks since we threw my Daddy a surprise birthday party, and I am just now finding the time to post about the incredible experience. We invited my mom and dad to a “Couple’s Shower” for my newly engaged cousin Becca and her fiancé Tommy. My mom was in on the surprise, but my dad had no idea! 

^^^ This is the fake invitation that we mailed to their house. Everyone was in on the secret... except my Daddy of course!! 

He arrived with a wedding gift, and he was totally shocked when I lifted the garage doors and over 60 of his friends and family screamed “SURPRISE!!”. He was even more shocked when he turned around and saw Tine, Lissa, Justin, Jason and Mak!! They flew in from Kansas City to be a apart of this incredible day!

Leah, Susan and Munca :)

The son-in-laws drinking a beer during the toast in the kitchen

60 candles!

My Uncle Tony had a funny idea to have all of the men wear white shirts and khaki pants because that is my dad's signature outfit! 

Papa and Ms. Peggy

Lance, Sam and Hayes

Uncle Tony

Uncle Tony and Favorite Aunt Cathy

Rowan constantly asked about Polly... "Can I see her?" "Can I pet her?" "Where is she?" ... I told her Polly was taking a nap, and she said "Can I wake her up... or at least watch her sleep" Haha... everyone LOVES Polly. When we let Polly out, Rowan was so excited and just laid with her and cuddled her. 

Rowan loves her cousin Makenzie.

And she loves Makenzie's birthday cake!!

Mak loved her smash cake

The dogs always cuddle with Shane if he is laying on the floor.

Polly gives him kisses and then lays beside him. It is so sweet. 

The birthday boy and the devious hosts :) 

I had everyone who attended sign a baseball bat with their name and the year they met my dad. It was so cool to see all of the names of his childhood friends! 

I will post a picture of the bat soon, and I plan to make a scrapbook!