Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Canaan: Six Months

Half a trip around the sun is in the books for our sweet Canaan, and I can't believe it! I love seeing the world through his eyes! He is always SO happy. He loves his Daddy, but is definitely a Mama's boy at this stage! I have been so blessed to stay home with him, and I have really enjoyed watching him learn and grow!

Weight: 18 lbs 14.5 oz (76%)
Height: 25.75 in (15%) 
Head: 18'' (98%)

Around 4 months, the dreaded sleep digression hit our house and we are still struggling with Canaan (and Mama) sleeping through the night. In pure desperation, I started giving him rice cereal in hopes he wouldn't get as hungry and would thus sleep during the night but that (along with a million other things) didn't do the trick. I'm talking tender bed time routines, white noise, lullabies, lavender oil, pacifiers... you name it! The pediatrician recommended we cut out rice cereal since it wasn't helping him sleep and really has no true nutritional value... and to be honest he is fat. Haha! His weight is in the 96th percentile for babies his height... so only 4% of babies his height are fatter than him. All that good mama's milk made him so chunky! The doctor said he would thin out once he starts moving, but the catch is he can't move that well since he is so fat. His belly is right in the way! We are going to continue feeding soft food items like bananas, avocados and sweet potatoes, but we let him try a taste of just about anything!

Canaan is on the verge of being mobile, and that will change the ballgame drastically. Right now, he is still content playing on his floor mat or scooting backwards in his walker. He likes watching the Baby First channel, and LOVES attention. Eye contact alone will brighten his entire face and make him giggle! He LOVES to nurse, and I am so grateful that I have been able to keep my supply to support this growing boy! Nursing is SO MUCH WORK... like I now understand why they have breastfeeding support groups, but as long as my body is making milk and he is turning in towards me to eat I will cherish the sweet bonding experience.

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