Lately, my mantra has been that if it is not on my Outlook calendar, then it will not get done. Some days it is 7:30 at night before I realize I never ate lunch. I started this blog to be able to look back on all of the different seasons of our incredible life, and I know for sure I will look back on this chapter with the lack of posts and be reminded just how busy this season is. Shane and I have been married for a little over 2.5 years now, so you can imagine how many times people ask us when we plan to have kids. The truth is, I literally can not imagine having one more responsibility let alone a human to take care of! Life is crazy busy, and work is super stressful but I must say I am loving building my career. Shane is super supportive of my ridiculous hours although I think he is convinced that my work phone has turned into an extra appendage. We got married young, and agreed to make our careers our first priority for the first few years.
Speaking of work, Shane started his new job today. It was bittersweet for him to leave Invesco because he really loved the people and he has been there since his internship during his Masters. He is excited about his 15 minute commute, the opportunity for advancement and growth, all that he will be able to learn, and oh yeah... did I say his 15 minute commute?
It takes me 1.5 hours (that is not a typo. yes, it takes 90 minutes) on a good day to get home, so needless to say I am super jealous of his commute (or lack thereof), but I am very proud of him!
Here are a few pictures to get you updated on what our life looks like outside of work :)
The bridesmaids went to see Ashley try on her GORGEOUS wedding dress, and I snapped this sweet picture with Bailee. She is such a sweet and sassy little thing! :)

I mentioned in the last post that we did some updating in our home office. Here is a picture. I bought the furniture when I graduated from college because I thought I would be working from home and selling Mary Kay full time. We added the upholstered chair, new computer and monitors and the lamps. Now I want to get all of our diplomas framed.

We took Shawna out for her birthday. It was great to get out of the house and let loose for a change :)

Lissa sent me this picture of Mak trying a lemon. How precious!

I love snapping candid pictures of the dogs with Shane. They are so incredibly loyal to him, and they love his affection.

Sabrina texted me this picture of Ro a few weeks ago, and I could not believe how long and straight her hair was. She looks like a teenager in this picture, but she is only 5!! Sabrina straightened her hair for her preschool graduation pictures. I am definitely not ready for this sidekick of mine to go to Kindergarten! Ugh --- she is growing up way too fast! She is at the age where she thinks it is gross that Shane and I kiss, but she always tells me to kiss Mr. Uncle Shane and then yells "Ewww!!"
She calls him my boyfriend even though I explain that he is my husband. Haha! She is so silly.
She calls him my boyfriend even though I explain that he is my husband. Haha! She is so silly.

This time last year, we were at my parents house and picked a maple sprout from their garden. Their tree had shed a lot of seeds that were sprouting. Shane planted it on the side of our house, and he takes care of it like a baby. He LOVES (and by loves I mean he is obsessed with) yard work. He covers this little thing up when it is too cold and checks on it daily. We call it our Mimi tree because my mom's grandma name is Mimi :) Last I heard, it has 19 leaves and counting.

^^^ Another sweet snap of both of the dogs craving attention.

We got together with some old college friends recently, and it was a lot of fun to catch up with everyone! We are ready to have everyone over for football season, but first --- pool season!

Shane loves being in the yard. Recently, he wanted to be outside all day so we played corn hole.

My house goal for this year is to decorate our master bedroom. So far, we have had the fence painted outside, decorated the office, and shopped for a pool table for the "man cave", but I am determined to decorate our room!
I know that is one thing that will never make the list once we have kids, so I want to do it now :)
A friend I have known since middle school has the best style (shout out to Ellany if you are reading this). Oh what I would give to spend a day shopping for home decor with her... or better yet just pay her to decorate my house! She suggested Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams, and Sea Salt we did. It is the PERFECT shade of blue/green/grey!
I know that is one thing that will never make the list once we have kids, so I want to do it now :)
A friend I have known since middle school has the best style (shout out to Ellany if you are reading this). Oh what I would give to spend a day shopping for home decor with her... or better yet just pay her to decorate my house! She suggested Sea Salt by Sherwin Williams, and Sea Salt we did. It is the PERFECT shade of blue/green/grey!

We plan to do neutral tones with the curtains and bedding and upholstered chair. I want for it to be a very relaxing environment.

I painted Polly's nails before Easter. We planned to take the dogs to my parents to surprise Rowan. She LOVES our dogs (especially Polly), and I knew Rowan would love her nails painted.

Polly wasn't thrilled, but she just looks so darn cute!

Isaiah is at a really fun age. He is still young enough to be goofy and make us laugh, and not too old that we aren't cool anymore.

Rowan loved spending time with the dogs. We hid Easter eggs for the kids and attempted to dye some eggs but that wasn't very successful. Oh well.. the kids had fun which is all that matters.

I love getting sweet pictures like this from Shane when I am traveling.
Last week, I was in Houston for a few days. When I flew back to GA, I went straight to my parents to see Tina and Mak. It was so fun to spend time with them, but I have never been so exhausted than after spending a morning with a two year old! Stay at home moms... I don't know how you do it! Kudos to you!
On Thursday, I left my hotel at 4:30 a.m. after working crazy hours. I worked on the plane and drove to Grayson once my flight landed. Everyone in the house wanted to take a nap when Mak did, but I was wide awake. I went for a walk and ended up at the swings in my parents' neighborhood and then I worked. I couldn't figure out how everyone else was so tired!
That night, we had her 2nd birthday party. Rowan was supposed to have a slumber party with us, but the poor little thing got an ear infection!
The next morning, I spent 3 hours trying to keep Mak entertained all to find the house was a mess and she still wasn't entertained. That day, I took a nap and slept like a rock for 2 whole hours. Kids are way more exhausting than work! ( I remember looking at the clock and thinking, "OMG... It is only 10:30 a.m.??!!" )
The next morning, I spent 3 hours trying to keep Mak entertained all to find the house was a mess and she still wasn't entertained. That day, I took a nap and slept like a rock for 2 whole hours. Kids are way more exhausting than work! ( I remember looking at the clock and thinking, "OMG... It is only 10:30 a.m.??!!" )

I love this hair bow! I found it at a local boutique near our house! The 2 comes off, and she can wear the bow all the time!

She stands up against the wall to take her picture (I guess they make them do that in daycare). She always holds her little hands like this. My mom and dad say that Tina used to hold her hands the same way!

How cute is her little Mickie outfit!?

She ate her cake with no hands. She does not like having anything on her hands.
This was her smash cake last year! She looked like such a baby, and now she looks like a little girl!
Tina and I were in the bedroom getting ready for bed and didn't even realize she had pulled all of the toilet paper off of the roll. How silly!

We walked to the park on Friday, and she loved playing with her bubble gun!

It rained on the way back, but we didn't mind.

After shopping and dinner on Friday, I went home. I was so sad to leave Tina, but was excited to sleep in my own bed.
On Saturday, we slept in (of course), went for a run, did some yard work and chores around the house and then ate dinner at Steve and Angela's house.
On Sunday, we slept in (of course), and went shopping. It was fun to spend the day together. We stopped for some ice cream on the way home. That night, I worked for a little bit while Shane relaxed in the backyard and finished the laundry. It was a productive and relaxing weekend.

Next weekend, Shane is running in the Savage Race in Dallas, GA. He has lost 30 pounds recently and is in AMAZING shape! I am excited to go with all of the wives in the neighborhood and cheer on our men. I am sure we will end up grilling out with them that night.
I hope everyone is doing well! I am going to try to do better about posting more frequently :)