Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Weekend Update

Shane and I had such a wonderful weekend. We love packing our weekend full of fun things, but doing them at a leisurely pace.

Friday night, I got home from work in just enough time to change and enjoy a glass of wine with Shane. Rocky was in the garage with Shane and ran to my car to greet me. When I opened my car door, he tried to get in my lap! It was so sweet!Shane was working on his ax when I got home, but he came in to spend some time together before we headed out for the night.

Jackson, our sweet 9-year old neighbor, asked that we come to one of his basketball games. We have been to a baseball game before and had a great time. We were really looking forward to cheering him on and seeing where our kids may go to elementary school one day. Clark Creek is just 2 years old, and we are blessed to live in such a good school zone!

After watching the game, we went out to eat. We had a blast with Bryan and Cass, and it was a great start to the weekend. 

Saturday morning, we slept in and did a few things around the house before packing and going to the mountains. Our neighbors invites us to their cabin, and it was such a special treat! Angela and Steve are so incredibly generous! They are wonderful hosts, and we love spending time with them. The Hazelwoods were invited as well, and the first thing Jackson asked is, “Do they even have electricity up there?” Haha!! We also confirmed that there would be Wi-Fi.

On Saturday, we went to downtown Blue Ridge and shopped around. It was very cold, so I was excited to get a delicious hot chocolate. That evening, we played board games and laughed so much! The log cabin is so warm and cozy. It smelled like fresh brownies when we walked in :)

Sunday we did some antiquing in Elijah. We ate at this cute sandwich shop, and had fun browsing through the different stores. I didn't take many pictures because I wanted to have a “phone-free vacation” with no social media or work emails.

Sunday evening, Shane had a bit of cabin fever. I woke up from a long nap and he had been to Home Depot and was adding onto the pergola and building a stand for the firewood that he chopped. He is so handy… and can’t sit still to save his life! Ha!

We were off work on Monday for MLK Jr., so we enjoyed sleeping in (go figure) before heading down South to visit Nana. She is in a new rehab facility, and is making a good bit of progress. That afternoon, we stopped by Chikfila for lunch before heading to Cindilu’s property. Shane wanted to get some more wood to bring home. I like having a fire every night because I am notoriously cold, and it is just relaxing to sit by t he fire with a glass of wine or mug of cider. Shane let me drive the 4-wheeler which was a ton of fun for me J We spent the afternoon together in the woods. 

We have gone on a date every single Monday night for years now, but last night we decided to pick up a pizza and eat in. We were both tired from the busy weekend, and Shane wanted to split the wood before dark so he could stack it on his new stand.

Last night, Shane did some research while I caught up on my trash-TV! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Jackson warming up before the game. 

Bryson and me cheering in the stands for "Jackie"

Bumper pool was a lot of fun! 

The guy's room. 

Shane said this corner of the store sounded like Grandma Clancy's house. 

Downtown Elijah. 

The view. 

Splitting wood. 

Jackson and Remy loved watching Shane split wood in the driveway. They asked if they could touch the ax. Haha... it was so cute. Shane said he remembers being that age and being so impressed by tools! 
They played with Shane's air soft gun and came inside to play video games. 
Mr. Shane is the "cool neighbor".

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