Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Gender Reveal: Baby BOY Clancy

Our dear friends Angela and Steve hosted a gender reveal shower for us on March 11. 
The theme was Wheels or Heels, and the Facebook invitation read: 

Wheels or heels, boots or bows. 
Until March 11th, only the hostess will know! 

By mid-September, Baby Clancy will be in tote. 
Wear pink or blue to the shower to cast your vote. 
Either way, he or she will steal our heart! 
Feel free to bring diapers or baby books to give us a start!

**Brunch starts at 10:30. The reveal is at 11:00 sharp!

Despite having a dream early on that it was a boy, I was completely convinced we were having a girl. 
I didn't really have the mother's intuition feeling per say, but every. single. theory pointed towards girl. Shane believed it was a boy all along -- and he is (almost) always right! 

Monday, March 20, 2017

First Trimester Recap

Wow! The first trimester has flown by! Here is a little recap.

How I Found Out:
Despite all of my Lyme complications, my period still remained very regular. I didn't think for one second I was pregnant, but when I didn't start my period on time I decided to play it safe and get a cheap pregnancy test from the Dollar Store. I was taking medications for my Lyme that could be harmful during pregnancy, so I figured better safe than sorry! On January 4, I went on my lunch break and bought two cheap tests, and I proceeded to take them in the bathroom stall at work. (Not at all where I imagined finding out I would be a mama!) I totally would have waited on Shane had I thought I was about to receive such exciting news. I took the test, and browsed my phone while waiting for the results. I glance over and saw two lines, and said OH S*#! -- I quickly took the second test and sure enough -- another pair of lines appeared! On the way home from work, I stopped by Publix to get a real pregnancy test, and after a few minutes the word PREGNANT popped up on the screen.

How I Told Shane:
I didn't know how to tell Shane, but I knew I didn't want to frantically call him while he was at work which was my initial reaction. So I waited -- an ETERNITY -- well more like a 6 hours until he got home.